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BBC原文連結The stories behind Britain's weirdest weather words


  1. Northern nanny: which describes cold hail and windstorm coming from the north,
  2. Moor-gallop: a sudden squall on a moor.
  3. Dinderex: a Devon term for a bolt of lightning which literally means ‘thunder-axe’.”
  4. Picking: although this is mainly used in a few parts of Wales to describe a light rain
  5. Custard wind: cold, easterly winds on England’s northeast coast)
  6. Cat's nose: cool north-westerly wind)
  7. Cow-quaker:  refers to May storms after cows were let into the fields
  8. Lambing storm : is a light spring snowfall
  9. Horse-guts: In Scots, small broken clouds can be described as ‘’
  10. Goose fair morning: in Nottingham to describe a bright but cool daybreak,
  11. Airish: for cool weather is now mainly used in Scotland
  12. Letty, stoating or specking: words for rain


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@The Cathedral and Abbey Church of Saint Alban




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